Lowongan Staff Accounting PT. Unipack Plasindo

Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :

Nama / Perusahaan: PT. UNIPACK PLASINDO

Kategori Loker : Staf Accounting


Level Pekerjaan:

Syarat Pendidikan:


Tipe Pekerjaan:

Industri: Perdagangan Umum dan Distribusi

PT. Unipack Plasindo, a national company headquartered in Jakarta, was established in 1984. Operations at its fully integrated state-of-the-art production complex in Karawang-Indonesia.

Since the merger of the PVC compound division of PT. Impack Pratama and PT. Unipack Plasindo in 2006 we became more focus and efficient PVC compound producer.

As one of the worlds leading polymer producers, with capacity 900-1000 MT/ month. The Vinyl Compounds PT. UPC, Group of Impack Pratama Corporation offers a complete line of products and service for extrusion, blow molding, injection molding, sheeting, and film extrusion.

Through Polyvic® & CRYSTAL® brand, our offerings are a good fit for a wide range of applications in Building construction, consumer goods, sheet product, medical, transportation, electrical, furniture, etc.

Polyvic® & CRYSTAL® Vinyl compounds product offerings include rigid and semi rigid vinyl compounds as well as dry blend compounds. Beside we supply to local market we also have been exporting to several continent such as North America (USA, Canada), Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hongkong, Bangladesh), Africa(South Africa, Mauritius), Middle East (UEA), Europe(Turkey,Greece) and Australia

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Diisi dengan tanggung jawab pekerjaan. Contoh :

- Melakukan perjanjian bertemu dengan client

- Mengatur data-data client

- dll

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang akutansi

Keahlian :

- Menguasai Microsoft Office

- Memahami laporan penagihan, penjualan, laporan keuangan

Kualifikasi :

- Wanita

- Usia 23 – 35 tahun

- Jujur dan teliti

- Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun team

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