Staf Marketing PT Barelang Riau Jaya ( Samudera Stevedoring ), Batam

Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :


Kategori Loker : Marketing


Level Pekerjaan:

Syarat Pendidikan:


Tipe Pekerjaan:

Industri: Logistik

PT Barelang Riau Jaya ( Samudera Stevedoring ) bergerak dibidang logistik dan stevedoring membutuhkan staf Marketing yang kompeten dan cakap dibidangnya.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Job Description :

- Responsible for annual planning, targets both revenue and operational marketing and sales budget.

- Responsible for creating and preparing SOPs and working mechanisms of marketing and sales departments.

Plan, manage and coordinate all promotional activities including telemarketing, sales call, and sales appointment with prospective customer.

- Propose operational changes necessary to achieve predetermined sales targets.

- Responsible for monitoring the company’s sales activities including the use of the budget.

- Responsible for compiling reports and sales marketing and sales activity accurately and timely report either weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang marketing / sales management

Keahlian :

Requirements :

- Minimal S1/D3 Management / Marketing / Communications / Public Relations.

Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

- Creative, innovative and able to work independently and in teams.

- Proficient in operating MS. Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint etc).

- Able to communication with English,

- Have good communication skills and good negotiation, good analytical skills, and have leadership qualities.

- High integrity, quick learner, good personality, honest and reliable

- Able to work under target oriented,

Kualifikasi :

- Pria/Wanita,

- Usia 25 – 35 tahun

- Jujur dan teliti

- Inovasi dan mampu bekerja secara teamwork

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