Kategori Loker : Teknik
Lokasi: Jakarta Utara
Level Pekerjaan: Fresh Grad / Less than 1 year experience
Syarat Pendidikan: SMA/SMK/STM
Gaji: Negosiasi
Tipe Pekerjaan: Tetap
Industri: Perdagangan Umum dan Distribusi
PT Indonesia Equipment Centre
Alamat : Rukan Grand Orchard Square Blok C-17 Jl. Kelapa Hybrida Kel. Sukapura Kec. Cilincing Jakarta Utara – Indonesia 14260
Deskripsi Perusahaan :
PT. INDOEQUIPMENT CENTRE success depends on our people. Our company can only prosper and provide opportunities for employment and growth when we continually improve ourselves, and the work we do. We recognize however, that success is not measured by sales; guest counts, and numbers alone. We are measured as much by the way in which we achieve our goals, as we are by the actual achievements themselves. We believe that a commitment to uncompromising values and integrity should always guide our decisions and actions as we pursue our goals. Following are the core values that form the foundation of our measurement of success:
Kualifikasi :
Fresh Graduate
STM (Listrik) Mesin Otomotif / Listrik
Maksimal 25th
Memiliki SIM A
Pendidikan : SMU/K Pengalaman 0-2 th
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :
mengetahui mengenai mesin alat berat
Persyaratan Pengalaman :
berpengalaman dengan Mesin Otomotif / Listrik
Keahlian :
berpengalaman dengan mesin
Kualifikasi :
Fresh Graduate
STM (Listrik) Mesin Otomotif / Listrik
Maksimal 25th
Memiliki SIM A
Pendidikan : SMU/K Pengalaman 0-2 th
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