Expatriate teacher Brilliance School

Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :

Nama / Perusahaan: Brilliance School

Kategori Loker : Guru


Syarat Pendidikan:


Tipe Pekerjaan:

Brilliance School is looking for an expatriate teacher.


Salary based on experience and education background (Negotiable)

Fully paid school holiday for approximately 8 weeks a year

Teacher training

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :


Create teaching plan (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly plan) and prepare lesson materials.

Prepare and participate school event.

Progress report of each child is expected to be submitted twice a year.

Manage classroom.

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Contoh : Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang pendidikan

Keahlian :

Bachelor’s Degree (Major in Early Childhood Education or English)

Loving mind and kindness towards children

Teaching Experiences in the same field

English Skill

Kualifikasi :

Man or woman

maximum age 40

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