Nama / Perusahaan: Bali Institute
Kategori Loker : Hospitality & Travel
Lokasi: Bali
Level Pekerjaan: Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)
Syarat Pendidikan: Semua Jenjang
Gaji: Rp. 2.000.000 - Rp. 4.000.000
Tipe Pekerjaan: Tetap
Industri: Turisme / Agen Perjalanan
As part of our organization you will assist our staff and professors from universities around the world to run educational programs that visit many areas of Bali. You will need to arrange logistics and make sure the program runs smoothly by responding to suggestions from the professors and other staff. You will also be asked to share your knowledge about Bali with the professors and students. They are traveling here to study topics relating to Balinese culture, so being knowledgeable about Bali is a huge plus. You may be asked to complete some simple expense reports as well. Most importantly, you must be very good at communicating with our team and able to solve problems quickly.
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :
-Graduated OR are currently enrolled in a college program of study (Diploma or Bachelor)
-Excellent written and spoken English
-A willingness to learn and build meaningful relationship with people from around the world
-Great interpersonal skills
-Presentable and confident
-General administrative support
-The ability to multi-task
Persyaratan Pengalaman :
Contoh : Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang akutansi
Keahlian :
Diisi dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan, contoh :
- Menguasai Sistem ERP
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Dll
Kualifikasi :
Diisi dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan, contoh :
- Pria/Wanita,
- Usia 25 – 35 tahun
- Jujur dan teliti
- Dll
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