Lowongan kerja Engineer PT. Dwi Putra Anantama

Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :

Nama / Perusahaan: PT. DWI PUTRA ANANTAMA

Kategori Loker : Konstruksi dan Bangunan


Level Pekerjaan:

Syarat Pendidikan:


Tipe Pekerjaan:

Industri: Pertambangan

Berikut scope yang diminta untuk 3 orang engineer yang akan berada di

bawah kordinasi WorleyParsons Lead Engineer (Jakarta based):

1. Mechanical Person, dengan background dan experience di

- Workshop machinery

- overhead cranes

- field data collection

- laboratory equipment

2. Piping and Layout Person, dengan background dan experience di

- equipment layout

- utility supply

- drainage systems

- basic fire protection equipment

3. Electrical and Communication, dengan background dan experience di

- low voltage power distribution

- public address

- communication net work

General scope and skills:

- field verification to support relocation of existing Heavy Equipment

Workshops, offices, and a Laboratory, including relocation of internals,

into a newly designed facility.

- good communication skills, English preferred but not mandatory.

- able to work independently with little supervision

- use of Excel for spreadsheet and data entry. Able to draw in AutoCAD

preferred but not mandatory

- obtain details, from files and actual field, to feed to engineering

office to prepare detail design for new facilities, relocation of

equipment, utility routing, a demolition.

- liaison with Owner and project site personnel to obtain feedback on

drawings and sketches prepared by others.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

General scope and skills:

- field verification to support relocation of existing Heavy Equipment

Workshops, offices, and a Laboratory, including relocation of internals,

into a newly designed facility.

- good communication skills, English preferred but not mandatory.

- able to work independently with little supervision

- use of Excel for spreadsheet and data entry. Able to draw in AutoCAD

preferred but not mandatory

- obtain details, from files and actual field, to feed to engineering

office to prepare detail design for new facilities, relocation of

equipment, utility routing, a demolition.

- liaison with Owner and project site personnel to obtain feedback on

drawings and sketches prepared by others

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Contoh : Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang masing-masing

Keahlian :

- good communication skills, English preferred but not mandatory.

- able to work independently with little supervision

- use of Excel for spreadsheet and data entry. Able to draw in AutoCAD

preferred but not mandatory

- obtain details, from files and actual field, to feed to engineering

office to prepare detail design for new facilities, relocation of

equipment, utility routing, a demolition.

Kualifikasi :

Diisi dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan :

- Pria/Wanita,

- Usia 25 – 35 tahun

- Jujur dan teliti

- bertanggungjawab

- dan lain-lain

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