Accountants Lightfoot Travel, Bali

Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :

Nama / Perusahaan: Lightfoot Travel

Kategori Loker : Staf Accounting


Level Pekerjaan:

Syarat Pendidikan:


Tipe Pekerjaan:

Industri: Akunting / Audit / Layanan Pajak

2 Accountants x 2 positions

Minimum experience two years . Bachelor Degree in Accountancy. Fluent English a

necessity. Will be working with a small team of accountants and must have ability to work

well under pressure.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Responsible for company financial control, report etc , able to work with small team

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

2 years experience

Keahlian :

- Accountancy skill

- Fluent English

-Computer Skill

Kualifikasi :


25 – 35 years old

honest, work hard

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