Lowongan Web Developer – PT. Timedoor Indonesia

Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :

Nama / Perusahaan: PT. Timedoor Indonesia

Kategori Loker : Web Developer



Level Pekerjaan:

Syarat Pendidikan:


Tipe Pekerjaan:

We are new IT company in Indonesia Bali. We are from Japan. We want to contribute IT industry in Indonesia by utilize new skill and knowledge. Our corporate philosophy is “Let’s create a incredible service needed around the world “.

We don’t want to temporary employee. If you want to join our company, you have to use whole time. We are waiting for you.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: =====Job description=====

A developer is responsible for the system quality such as requirements

definition, programing, system operation and maintenance, project management.

1.Website develop

Website develop using some computer language such as HTML, Javascript, PHP,

C/C++ etc.

2.Smartphone app develop

Game, tool develop for smartphone like iPhone, Android.

3.System develop

Using system techniques to develop and resolve various system such as ECsite

system, CRM, SNS, database design, sever develop.

Persyaratan Pengalaman: Contoh : Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang akutansi

Keahlian: =====Skill=====

+Essential skill

Developing code;PHP,Perl,Java,C/C++,Javascript

Knowledge;DB,MySQL,SQL Server,Linux,Windows,Apache

*It is possible to develop the use of these. There is not required to meet


+Preferable Skill

Experienced big project management.

Experienced person that launched site alone.

Have knowledge in SEO measure, CGI, Design, CMS etc.

Kualifikasi: No need

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