Nama / Perusahaan: PT. Hilab Sciencetama
Kategori Loker : Staf Accounting
Lokasi: Jakarta Pusat
Level Pekerjaan: Fresh Grad / Less than 1 year experience
Syarat Pendidikan: SMA/SMK/STM
Gaji: Negosiasi
Tipe Pekerjaan: Kontrak
Tanggal tayang : February 16, 2014
More than two decades, PT HILAB Sciencetama exsist to become a partner for scientists and industries of product development. Established in 1988, PT HILAB Sciencetama is a company that sells products in the Scientific Equipment and Analytical Instrument. Built with hard work, dedication, and passion as well as a high work ethic, make the company to havea good reputation in the scientific instrument industry in Indonesia. We provide the needs and also the highest quality instruments for our customer’s satisfaction. We believe, to give the best satisfaction to our customers, excellent teamwork is a must. To achieve excellent teamwork, we invite professionals to grow with us. Through excellent people, we can commit excellent process.
The other success factor is our loyal customers in all over Indonesia – government institutions and also private companies, which always trust and satisfied to our products and services. Our experienced sales-engineer will listen and help to sugest which products suitable to solve your problems. To express our appreciation to you – our customer and also our partner; we committed to provide good after-sales service. Our trained staff will help to answer many questions regarding technical problems with the instrument. Various questions regarding the instruments/applications, will be assisted by our application-staff.
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: 1. Membantu bagian Accounting kami dalam mempersiapkan dokumen akuntansi yang diperlukan dalam operasional perusahaan : pembuatan Invoice, PPn, PPh 23, PPh 25, PPh 26, Pencatatan Biaya-biaya, Pencatatan
2. Pendapatan, Laporan Keuangan
Aktifitas lainnya yang berhubungan dalam Departemen Finance & Accounting
Persyaratan Pengalaman: Memiliki pendidikan Akuntansi Dasar
Keahlian: - Menguasai Microsoft Office terutama Ms Excel (menggunakan formula perhitungan, dll)
- Mampu mengerjakan perhitungan Akuntansi Dasar
- Mampu dan mengerti perhitungan Perpajakan (diutamakan)
Kualifikasi: - Wanita
- Pendidikan minimal SMK Akuntansi
- Usia 20 – 25 tahun
- Jujur, tekun, teliti
- Berorientasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sempurna
- Memiliki keinginan untuk belajar hal-hal baru
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