IT PROGRAMMER – PT. Mitra Infoparama

Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :

Nama / Perusahaan: PT. MITRA INFOPARAMA


Kategori Loker : IT Programmer


Level Pekerjaan:

Syarat Pendidikan:


Tipe Pekerjaan:

Tanggal tayang : January 24, 2014

PT. Mitra Infoparama is a national IT Services Company, provides maintenance & human resources management in providing qualified professional resources.

To support the above requirements we are looking for young, skilled and motivated persons for the following positions :



Technical Profeciency

• Male/Female, age between 23 – 28 years old

• Degree/Diploma in IT, Computer Science, or relevant field.

• Ability to develop in web – VB, VB.Net, ASP.Net, PHP, C#, C++, Java, html, SQL 2003/2005.

• Advancement in Career in providing Solutions Applications can be expected.

Personal attributes

• Innovative and independent in developing applications for Banking Industry would be an advanted.

• Have a strong programming and analytical skills.

• Possess good problem solving skill.

• Good Logical thinking and Fast Learner.

• Able to initiate a self-quality assurance in order to provide a high quality service standard.

• Hardworker, Highly responsible, reliable, honest and can handle pressure

• Team Player

If you are interested please send in your CV and photo in within 2 weeks to :

Put the Position on the Subject

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: Develop Test Material For Banking Application

Persyaratan Pengalaman: Having experienced in banking industry would be an advantage

Keahlian: Well known of SQL Programming

Kualifikasi: Technical Profeciency :

• Male/Female, age between 23 – 28 years old

• Degree/Diploma in IT, Computer Science, or relevant field.

• Ability to develop in web – VB, VB.Net, ASP.Net, PHP, C#, C++, Java, html, SQL 2003/2005.

• Advancement in Career in providing Solutions Applications can be expected.

Personal attributes :

• Innovative and independent in developing applications for Banking Industry would be an advanted.

• Have a strong programming and analytical skills.

• Possess good problem solving skill.

• Good Logical thinking and Fast Learner.

• Able to initiate a self-quality assurance in order to provide a high quality service standard.

• Hardworker, Highly responsible, reliable, honest and can handle pressure

• Team Player

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