Lowongan Content Master PT Tim Rajin

Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :

Nama / Perusahaan: PT Tim Rajin

Kategori Loker : Internet & New Media



Level Pekerjaan:

Syarat Pendidikan:


Tipe Pekerjaan:

Vacancy – Content Master

Do you:

1. Enjoy reading news, articles much?

2. Blog much?

3. Think you are creative?

4. Think friends love you?

5. Enjoy communicating with people?

If you get at least four YESes, then you are encouraged to get paid for being WACKY and FUN!

Job description:

1. Read news, browse for information, learn new stuffs

2. Create articles based on what you just learned

3. Attend to comments and discussions

4. Throw in some humor

5. Laugh together


1. Adequate English proficiency

2. High dose of curiosity

3. Fun

4. Fun

5. Fun

Office is located at Berbek Industri area. We can help you with lodging arrangement. Female applicants are encouraged!

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: Job description:

1. Read news, browse for information, learn new stuffs

2. Create articles based on what you just learned

3. Attend to comments and discussions

4. Throw in some humor

5. Laugh together

Keahlian: - Adequate English proficiency

Kualifikasi: Requirements:

1. Adequate English proficiency

2. High dose of curiosity

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